Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Show Me Indian Women Boobs

is the right time and accurate, the traffic light is red, function starts, open the curtains Street theater, suspense is near
ladies and gentlemen, dear public carrier is present - tatatannnn - (people excited listening to the drums) is Superman .... ! No asshole! I I, the juggler kausita!
... I enter a fantasy world / I wrap it,
juggling start playing with my toys / that sense I believe in me, "I can achieve anything" on the street juggling, I still have the passion of my art / game with heart and I realize that life is so beautiful ...
... I play with joy ...
... that magical world is a vocation,
to come to mind people I love most in life - even the cute girl I met when I did stupid things to conquer, but never told him my feelings ... to have their friendship /
far its image. is here with me
playing in the world of juggling that happiness
juggling magic I'm not alone in the street, other jugglers conchasumere of cool so like me.
transport carrier in the public gets the idea and is consumed by the fantasy of the game, is transported to the scene of light onto
heard a distant sound that soon kicked in and I awoke from my dream, I returned to
my reality
green light, the viewer stunned
still does not react in the world of juggling / suddenly honk his colleagues and he wakes up back to the current reality ........
Photo: Kaus, in the Central Andes of Peru. Huancayo.


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